Vishwa Ganesh Is Charting His Course Straight To #1 With “A Sailor’s Tale”

Since 2018 when he first began to release a series of sensational cover songs online, independent artist Vishwa Ganesh has continued to build a faithful following that has supported him every step of the way.

Shifting his focus to original music that has been completely produced, written, and created entirely on his own, Vishwa took a monumental leap straight into the spotlight in 2020 by dropping his debut single “The Rainy Days” online. Surging with momentum into the following year with the release of “Told You So” – his music and videos have made their way to the top spots on playlists found all around the globe.

This June 10th, 2022 – Vishwa is ready to break the most significant ground of his career to date with his most ambitious, compelling, and addictive single so far – “A Sailor’s Tale.” A brilliantly crafted tale from the music to the mic, and bursting with sound highly relevant for the right here & now – “A Sailor’s Tale” reveals Vishwa’s innovative style, imaginative creativity, and stunning songwriting, all in one experience.

Diving into a tragic love story set at sea, “A Sailor’s Tale” is an explorative journey that takes listeners on an unforgettable adventure that speaks directly to the heart. Based on the tale of two soulmates that are so close, yet so far away – “A Sailor’s Tale” is a bold reminder of how crucially important it is to say what needs to be said in the time we have to say it, or risk having our feelings swept away permanently before love can be shared as it should be. From the heartbreaking storyline to the evocative and soulful vibe of Vishwa’s vocals & melody – “A Sailor’s Tale” is vividly real & fully loaded with poetic imagery that creates an audible odyssey and sensory experience that confirms his songwriting is truly second to none.

Join Vishwa Ganesh this year as he sets forth into the most exciting chapter of his career as an artist in 2022, with a brand-new single available online on every major music platform, designed for all to enjoy.

Pre-release link:-

Instagram/Twitter:- @vxshwa