Katrice Cornett and Highest Praise Releases Motivational New Year’s Single “Strong And Courageous”

This contemporary gospel anthem is a sing-along of scripture-led affirmations.

It’s so motivational! It’s now officially the song that I listen to once I wake up!”— Howard G, Comedian and Playwright

The new single “Strong and Courageous,” by Katrice Cornett and Highest Praise is set to release January 14, 2022, on all streaming platforms. Here’s to the new year and “just in time” motivation for your resolutions.

This contemporary gospel anthem is a sing-along of scripture-led affirmations. On brand with previous singles “Forever God Reigns” and “Higher Than Before”, Cornett continues to encourage the people of God to refuse the spirit of fear and cling to the Lord. In the form of a song comes a supportive start to the listener’s day. Comedian and playwright, Howard G, who pre-listened to the project says, “It’s so motivational! “Strong & Courageous” should be on a movie soundtrack!! It’s now officially the song that I listen to once I wake up!”

Strong & Courageous Promo Video – https://youtu.be/s7iSvaAxx1c

To listen is one thing, to wear artistry is another. This single will be released with merchandise available for purchase (t-shirts, hoodies, and face masks) designed by singer/songwriter Cornett.

Katrice Cornett and Highest Praise was established in 2000 and has been sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the East Coast and abroad for over 20 years.

~Jade Chandler, Creative Writer

MTR Sounds Music Distribution

Contact and/or stay in touch with Katrice Cornett & Highest Praise

FB & IG: @katricecornettministries | @kcnhighestpraise

Website: @mtrsounds.com