2021 Is “Breesh Season” For Wilkes-Barre, PA Rapper

If there was anything we could expect from 2021, it would be the start-up of a promising music career from Rico Breesh. Born only 19 years ago, Rico Breesh is an uprising rap musician based out of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He began to receive national attention after the release of his debut EP, “Breesh Season”, which was met with positive views from both music blogs and fans alike. His style is original, his image is new, and his music is it. Rico blends a mix of styles and flows, achieving a placement for each listener. It is exciting to wonder what may be in store for Rico Breesh in 2021.

Rico Breesh Official Website: https://unitedmasters.com/update-artist-name02976672

Instagram: @ricobreeshbme
Snapchat: ricobreesh
Twitter: @ricobreeshbme
Facebook: Rico Breesh