Exclusive Interview With Poetry Slam Artist And Self-Described “Couch Surfer” Mila-Amelie Luana

Copyright – Photographer: Chad Lewis

Germany-based Poetry Slam artist, world traveler and self-described “Couch Surfer,” Mila-Amelie Luana grew up in Cologne, in a mixed heritage home, which may explain her free spirited attitude towards life. If “Hakuna Matata” had a face, hers would be it. She took some time out from her travels and performances to answer a few questions, in this exclusive interview…

Hi Mila-Amelie! You have quite an unusual name. Are you named for someone? What is your heritage, ancestry? How has that impacted you, both personally, and in your poetry?

I have never had anyone to compare my name to, but my name never seemed out of place. I am half German and half Spanish, but growing up in Cologne, Germany, I did not feel like any particular part of my heritage was ignored. My life was filled with culture different that what was around me, and it was good to see two sides of the same coin; a native and an outsider. It makes it easier to understand culture and its impact on oneself.

You describe yourself as a backpacker/traveler and couch-surfer. How did you come to be such a free-spirited hippie? Who has influenced you the most in this journey?

After High-School I went for a year to do some voluntary work with children in Lesotho, an independent country inside of South Africa. The local people taught me the heedful philosophy of sharing and caring. The kids there would share their last cookie with me, and I was very touched by the gesture. My colleagues and I started to hitchhike around the country. We realized very quickly the magnitude of the people’s kindness and positivity. We adopted the local phrase of “Hakuna matata,” which, like the song, means no worries. I guess the clue is to let fear go, to start flowing with the moment, and to be connected with one’s self.

You are from Germany, and you perform Poetry Slam, as well as free-style rapping. Tell us how you came to realize you had a talent for this. How has being from Germany helped or hindered your pursuits? Do you have anyone that you aspire to be like, when it comes to this style of creativity?

I finished a very difficult and painful relationship about 2.5 years ago. That person didn’t trust in love or peace: he liked to push me excessively to my limits.

Our breakup felt like a huge liberation. That was the same moment I wrote my ideas and philosophy down. A little later I performed these faithful words on stage and reached the finals of the Poetry Slam Show.

During my teenage years, the artist “Käptn Peng & Die Tentakel von Delphi”, a German alternative and philosophical rapper, inspired me years to dive deeper into my gentle being.

How has the COVID-19 virus affected your abilities to travel and perform your works?

I am back in my hometown now. No traveling so far, as I am content to finish my university career. Due to the virus, my next Poetry Slam performance was canceled. Through all of these upending lifestyle changes, I see the pandemic as a chance to center and focus myself. Meditate and observe the beauty of all the small things surrounding us. Basically, appreciating life and using the time to improve future projects.

Where have you traveled to so far, and is there any one place you’d like to visit, that you haven’t been to yet?

I did some delightful solo backpacking journeys all around the world: Mexico, Cuba, Marocco, Thailand, Indonesia, and South Africa. I have done some dedicated camping and hitchhiking with my colleges in Swaziland, as well as in Japan with my best friend.

I also visited my artistic friend in the US, where traveled to Seattle, Portland, and San Diego

BONUS QUESTION: What is your favorite food and movie?

I love Curry and Ayurvedic Food: my tummy feels so warm and peaceful afterwards.

My favorite movie and possibly the best of all time is called “Mr. Nobody”, directed by Jaco Van Dormael. It’s about decisionmaking and how much it’ll impact your future life. A very high quality philosophical science fiction drama. You should check it out! 🙂