Ed Roman: The Crazy Pellas Interview

Ed Roman 3Canadian Indie Rocker and multi-genre instrumentalist, Ed Roman was recently interviewed by Crazy Pellas, a popular music website.  Here is an excerpt from that interview:

How long have you been singing?
As long as I can remember…

I started to speak at a very young age and my grandmother and mother were always singing to me… I had learned a bunch of childhood songs like row row row your boat, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit and old Slavonic songs that I would perform for people when they came to the house and to dinner.. My family were very proud of me and I think sometimes they loved to show me off; especially if I did imitations of other people. There was a lot of laughter.

What first got you interested in becoming a singer?
I had a teacher when I was very young named Mr Lee. He was a very passionate and strict teacher but very smart at noticing things. Mr. Lee (Craig) took notice of my abilities at a young age and often would use me as an example with the other children when it came to singing and not being afraid. Craig also knew I was a Dyslexic and that my self esteem was not being helped by the negative impact of my reading disability. He was smart to nudge me into the right space and let things flourish. I’ll never forget him for that.

Read the entire interview at  http://www.crazypellas.net/cms/interview-with-ed-roman-391/#ixzz33sCRrwfP