Josey Milner: The Nashville Gab Interview

nashville gabJosey Milner was recently interviewed by Jason Scott, editor for Nashville Gab. Their conversation touched on Josey’s next single, CMA Fest, and her anti-bullying campaign with Angels and Doves. Here’s an excerpt:

NG: Do you find songwriting daunting? Or does it come easy to you?

JM: Since I’ve just started, it is pretty challenging — to find all the rhythms and the words that flow together. I’m so impressed by those people who put out #1’s constantly. You know, every song has to come from someone, and so for some people to write those songs and have those capabilities is so unbelievable. I hope that I can get to that potential someday.

Find out how Josey felt, working in the studio with Hall and Oates’ and Elton John’s engineers, and more at