March To May and Ed Roman Share Thoughts On Summer Festivals In New Article

Seattle folk-pop duo, March to May and Canadian singer/songwriter, Ed Roman are featured in a new article, sharing their thoughts on the summer festival season.  Branding Beat interviewed both acts for their website, and the article, “Festival Fever: Why Merchandise Still Matters on the Summer Music Scene.”  Click on the article link to read what our artists had to say!

Xander Demos Featured On Splash Magazine Site

Metal guitarist, XANDER DEMOS was recently featured on the popular entertainment, lifestyle and culture website, Splash Magazine. The site highlighted Xander’s bio with photos and video footage from the guitar extraordinaire. Go check out the article at It also appears in their “Music” and “New Talent” sections.

Xander Demos: The David Garlow Interview

Metal guitar extraordinaire, Xander Demos recently spoke with columnist, David Garlow, for his “Guitarist Interviews” series. “He is worth the trip just to watch him shred away on the guitar,” says Garlow, at the beginning of his article. Here’s a brief excerpt: DG:From what I have seen and heard, simply amazing guitar work. Are all of your songs vocal-free? …