Doug Briney: The Neufuture Magazine Interview

roar 1Our resident Super Country Cowboy, Doug Briney was recently interviewed by Neufutur Magazine, for their top-ranked entertainment site.  Here’s an excerpt from that conversation:

How is the new release different from your 2012 debut, It’s All Country?

Wow… where to begin.  First off, SCC was produced by Tate Music Group whereas IAC I produced that myself.  That’s a big difference.  The sound is very different, I really pushed myself toward a more “radio friendly” sound.  The songs themselves are written by multiple writers and again really reflect who I am whereas IAC really featured Pat Kelly as a writer because 6 of the songs on that album were his or co-written by him.  I am extremely proud of both projects but it is really a very different project from start to finish and yet, it keeps a bit of traditional sound in the mix as well because that is simply a big part of me.

Country music is often steeped in tradition and strong morals. Family comes back time and time again on country titles; how do you address family on your album?

Well… the title track “Super Country Cowboy”, talks about the influences of my parents music in my life.  The second song “I Get To” talks about changing our attitude and that is really a learned behavior from childhood.  “Pretty Big Deal” is all about being a hero in my kids eyes.  “The Choices You Make” talks about growing up in a stricter home vs a friend who doesn’t have any accountability and how those choices we make have a lasting impact on our life.  Even the song “Believe” talks about faith, character and childhood influences.  I think every song on this album really addresses family in some manner or another.  I guess the only exception is the song, “I’m Up.”  That song is really all about Monday  morning and the trials it brings but being up the the task.

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